Mission, Vision, & Values

Mission, Vision, & Values

Center for Engaged Religious Pluralism Logo

Our Mission

The Center for Engaged Religious Pluralism engages religiously diverse and non-faith perspectives to foster interreligious understanding and leadership, promoting practices and policies that address religious diversity in many publics. Through this work and the cultivation of “interfaith leaders,” the Center contributes to more respectful, inclusive communities.

Our Vision

The Center aims to be, and to be known in academic, government, business, professional and non-profit forums and in the Saint Mary's College community as, an influential and effective champion of the value of pluralism through its mission-driven, engaged religious pluralism events, programs, and scholarship.

Our Values

The Center grounds its work in the values of liberty, equal dignity, conscience, and participation embodied in (even though not fully achieved by) the founding documents of the United States, which is America's Sacred Ground, and the Lasallian core principles (represented by the five-pointed star in our logo), in particular respect for all persons and inclusive community.

facial profile filled blue, outlined in black

Who Is an Interfaith Leader?

An interfaith leader is a person with the knowledge, capacity for self-reflection and empathy, values, and skills to lead inclusively and effectively in any religiously and spiritually diverse environment to advance pluralism.  

Holding Hands

What Is Pluralism?

Pluralism can be understood in this context as the value, mindset, and achievement of cooperation across boundaries of religious, spiritual, and secular difference to work toward and achieve common goals in equal dignity, respect, and mutual loyalty.

Center for Religious Pluralism

Contact Us

Barbara A. McGraw, JD., Ph.D.

Professor, Social Ethics, Law, & Public Life

Director of the Center for Engaged Religious Pluralism
